Nickname: The Mini Pin , Min Pin , King Of The Toys , Reh Pinscher , Zwergpinsc
Origin: -
Size: Small Dogs
Breedtype: Purebred
Rank: 64
Type: Companion Dogs

Height: 10 inches to 1 foot tall at the shoulder
Weight: 8 to 11 pounds
Color: Black & Rust , Black & Tan , Chocolate & Rust , Chocolate & Tan , Red , Stag , Red
Temperament: -
Features: -
Lifespan: 10 to 14 years
Popularity: Very High
Litter: 2-5 puppies
Intelligence: Medium
Agility: High
Trainability: Medium
Energy Levels: High
Exercis Needs: High
Sensitivity: Very High
Shedding: Low
Drooling: Very Low
Grooming: Very High
Good for Novice Owners: Medium
Adapts to Apartment Living: Very High
Tolerates Being Alone: Low
Cold Weather Tolerance: Very Low
Hot Weather Tolerance: Medium
Playfulness: Very High
Family Friendly: Very High
Kid Friendly: Medium
Peer Friendly: Low
Stranger Friendly: Medium
General Health: Medium
Potential For Weight Gain: Very High
Prey Drive: Medium
Barking/Howling tendancy: Very Low
Wanderlust: Very High
Intensity: -

Concerns: None

Snippets: None

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